2009年2月19日 星期四

The Hawaii Rainbow

Keali'i Reichel - Maunaleo - Beautiful Hawaiian Music

USA National Anthem (lyrics) Star Spangled Banner

National Anthem and Hawai`i Pono`i - Colby

2009年2月15日 星期日

Why the Internet Isn't the Dath of Post Office

Source: The New York Times. Sep. 4, 2005

1. Where does the writers tellyou what this article is about?
2. What do yo already know about this?
Internet Business/ Company/ Net
Netflix/ Block-buster/ Pitney Bowes/ Amazon/ eBay/Fedex/ United Staes Postal Service/United Parcel Service
3. What is "The Long-tail" Business by Chris Anderson?
4.Wordlist in this article in English interpretaton!
P.31-32 How Culture Molds Habits of Thought
Please give your idea from the essay!

2009年2月9日 星期一

More Reading: Educating Girls is a Real Lifesaver

Lifesaver: Female is a mother of the earth. Of course, the eudcation of girls is the surest way to reduce poverty and promote life. However why girls is so low to be educated in history?
I.Education and the Significance of Life What do you give your feedback on the article? (Answer your Chinese idea from this article accodring to individual group)

II. A Free Website for Studying English Using Movie Commercials-- English Trailers

III. The preview of David Copperfield by Charles Dickens