2009年4月15日 星期三


I. 「自然語言處理]-- Natural Language Process 暨「機器翻譯系統--- Machine Translation 實驗室是幹什麼的? What are You Doing in the NLP & MT Labs ??
Please write down your feedback from the article.

II. "Say" music video from "The Bucket List" by John Mayer

2009年3月20日 星期五

To Discover an Amazing World by Widsom, Mercy and Couragement

Three Days to See by Hellen Keller in Audio

Three Days to See

Three Days to See by Hellen Keller in Audio
It's so powerful movie--- The Miracle Worker
"Long as I can see the light"

Three Days to See by Hellen Keller

Inspiring Motto 勵志名言


Please write down your favorite mottos!

2009年3月18日 星期三

Aubiography on Eleanor Roosevelt

I. Qutations by authors (1884-1962)
Please Translate them into Chinese

II. The story of the author
What do you think about her in the story?

2009年2月19日 星期四

The Hawaii Rainbow

Keali'i Reichel - Maunaleo - Beautiful Hawaiian Music

USA National Anthem (lyrics) Star Spangled Banner

National Anthem and Hawai`i Pono`i - Colby

2009年2月15日 星期日

Why the Internet Isn't the Dath of Post Office

Source: The New York Times. Sep. 4, 2005

1. Where does the writers tellyou what this article is about?
2. What do yo already know about this?
Internet Business/ Company/ Net
Netflix/ Block-buster/ Pitney Bowes/ Amazon/ eBay/Fedex/ United Staes Postal Service/United Parcel Service
3. What is "The Long-tail" Business by Chris Anderson?
4.Wordlist in this article in English interpretaton!
P.31-32 How Culture Molds Habits of Thought
Please give your idea from the essay!